If is up but it's not working for you, you can try one of the following tips below. Refresh your browser. Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking Ctrl + F5 at the same time. This should work on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. Their main site is However, the group is also active on Twitter on @noobsandnerds. However, the group is also active on Twitter on @noobsandnerds. In addition to hosting and blogging about various addons, Noobs and Nerds developers also create tutorials that help people learn how to build Kodi software. is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!. is registered since 17 November 2018. is owned by Jane Dew About Kodi Addon noobsandnerds Repository: Home of The Community Portal. Visit and become a part of our great family, you get to choose what The Community Portal holds! This guide will show you how to install NoobsandNerds on Kodi, this repository will let you browse many Kodi channels of great content which is sure to please.

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Elysium add-on is developed by the Noobs and Nerds community and it is a fork is the name you gave to the source); Click 

We don't know much for now, but we are reporting based on what we're being told by former NoobsAndNerds staff. Their website and Twitter are currently down.

The NoobsandNerds Repository it the next largest repository list to the SuperRepo you can install on Kodi. Once installed, you’ll have access to hundreds of popular known direct developer repositories such as the Mucky Ducks, Mettle Kettle, Shaneys, tknorris, etc. So what does this mean? When I list those direct repositories examples such as Mucky [

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This guide will show you how to install NoobsandNerds on Kodi, this repository will let you browse many Kodi channels of great content which is sure to please.

site & forum - and the forum are back online. Elysium - Elysium is still a WIP. hopefully the next update we push should have new artwork and Trakt Intergaration and possibly some fixed providers. Bob - Bob is back online after moving to a new dedicated server. There are also going to be some very cool new updates coming to 11 thoughts on “ How to Install Noobs and Nerds Repository Kodi 17-17.6 Krypton ” James February 24, 2018. I am also having the issue plz help same as paul. Noobs and - KODI Forum 29 Feb 2020 Click on Install from zip file > Noobs and Nerds > Click on Noobsandnerds Repo (1.7).zip. noobs and nerds repository zip file for kodi; Now click  5 Mar 2018 Now that the Noobs and Nerds repository has been taken down, what Find the repository you want to remove – in this case noobsandnerds  This guide shows you how to install NoobsAndNerds Repo for Kodi 17 and previous versions. Also check out my tutorial on the Cazwall Repo for TV Addons. 2 Jan 2019 NOOBS and NERDS is the Home of the Community Portal that has a lot of options and Addons in Kodi Player. The following are the FamousÂ